For Yourself, Your Marriage, Your Family

Book Cover: Battle
Editions:Paperback - First Edition: $ 7.99
ISBN: 1080047344
Size: 6.00 x 9.00 in
Pages: 140

Don’t be mistaken, you are in a war. Wars have battles that determine who wins in the end. If we are going to win the war, we have to win the battles, battles like the battle for you, your marriage, your family. Satan is after families and as Jesus reminded us, to ravage the home, the strong man must be bound. You are the strong man and it is time you stand and fight the enemy, stop the attack of the enemy in your life, your marriage, and your family.

Some battles can seem like David versus Goliath, but there is good news. Not only has Jesus already won the battle, you have the opportunity to have a God that is for you, a family that believes in you, a church that is there for you, and a calling that is waitingThis is a call to be everything you were created to be, first, a son of God, then a husband, a father, a man of God. This is a call to fight your flesh, to walk in the Spirit, and to stand in the face of an enemy that is bent on destroying you, your marriage, your family, and your purpose. You can win, and if you will learn to battle, you can.