What do you do the moment temptation to look at porn hits you? This is a very important question because the answer to this question typically determines the outcome on whether or not you fall to the temptation. Let me explain.

You’re scrolling through Instagram and you come across a photo of a woman who is in a bikini. You immediately sense the attack. You knew from the moment your eyes hit that photo that you would be attacked. Now, here’s where the victory is either won or lost. How do you respond?

If you immediately close Instagram and put your phone away, you’re gonna win. Maybe you immediately started praying while you navigated away from the photo. You’re gonna win. Maybe you immediately texted a trusted friend to ask them to pray for you right then. You’re gonna win. These are the things you have to program in your mind so that when temptation hits, the response is automatic. Like a computer program, when certain criteria are me, there is a preprogrammed response. This will go a long way in keeping you free.

What about the other option? The moment you see that photo and temptation hits, but rather than fleeing the evil, you give it another look. You just lost the battle. Just like I talk in my book, FREE, second looks are where the sin is. You can’t help what comes across your field of vision, but you can definitely help the second look. The first look activates temptation, but the second look activates sin. The first look is a chance to do what is right. The second look is what you do when you have already chosen what isn’t.

You have to get to a place where you have preprogrammed, godly responses to temptation if you are going to stay free. These take time to develop and learn, and you may need to enlist some trusted friends to help you, but if you will make up your mind to give a specific, godly response when temptation comes, you’ll find you will win more often than not. And not only that, you’ll get better at winning until it isn’t a temptation anymore.

Learn more practical tools on how to get and stay free by ordering your copy of FREE today! If you order today, your copy ships today!

1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.

Be blessed,