One night this week, I was in a time with God where we were simply conversing back and forth, and he asked me a series of four questions that really got me.

He said, “Did you give love? Did you go overboard? Did you give anyone courage? Did you show kindness?”

After he said that, I thought for a moment. That moment turned into a minute. After a few minutes went past, I became pretty shaken.

Truth was, I hadn’t done any of those that day.

I know that sounds crazy for a Christian – a pastor for crying out loud – not to do any of those in a day. I felt pretty convicted. And the reality is that I didn’t do those things out of a malicious mindset. I wasn’t trying NOT to show love or be kind. I had just gotten busy, busy with things, even good things. So busy, though, that I missed the opportunity that day to do the things God is most concerned about.

I’d said, “I love you” that day to my family. But had I made a conscious effort to give love, even when it was difficult, even to those who were not my family? To someone that didn’t love me back?

I am a pretty over-the-top, passionate, kind of guy, but had I gone overboard in serving someone? Had I given them the passion that I give to my own projects?

Encourage literally means “to give courage to.” How many had I passed that day that needed some courage, but because I had things to do, I missed to chance to give it to them?

I had been nice to people that day. But was I kind? There’s a difference. Nice tends to come from obligation. Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22). Not only that, but kindness is meant to lead people to Jesus (Rom 2:4). What opportunity had I missed that day to lead someone to Jesus, if nothing else but through kindness? Leading someone to Jesus doesn’t always means salvation. Saved people sometimes need to be led to his feet again as well.

It was a sobering conversation with God. Sobering, but beneficial. I have made a commitment to evaluate my day based on these four questions. God wants to take the focus off of me and my agenda and put it on what matters most to him: people.

We can sometimes get so busy doing life that we forget to give life to others. So I have determined to live my life on L.O.C.K. Want to join me?

  1. Did I give Love today?
  2. Did I go Overboard today?
  3. Did I give anyone Courage today?
  4. Did I show Kindness today?

When I think about how much he loved me to die for me, to go overboard to save me, to daily give courage to me, and that it was his kindness that pointed me to him, I want to honor him by doing to same to others. So I am going to love, go overboard, give courage, and be kind. It is what he’d want me to do.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Be blessed,